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2018 News 2018. 12. 8 - Mehdi and Maedeh presented their work at Power MEMS 2018. Our bio-photo-voltaic device work has been selected as a finalist paper for one of the best paper contests. 2018. 12. 6 - Dr. Choi is invited to give a talk at Johns Hopkins University - Mar. 15th, 2019. 2018. 12. 5 - Dr. Choi is invited to give a talk at Tufts University - Feb. 15th, 2019. 2018. 12. 4 - Dr. Choi made three research presentations (including an invited talk) at the IEEE NANOMED 2018. Our sweat sensor has been selected as a finalist paper for one of the best paper contests. 2018. 11. 1 - Dr. Choi serves as a Guest Editor for special issue "Microbial Fuel Cells," in Batteries (MDPI, ISSN 2313-0105). 2018. 11. 1 - Dr. Choi serves as a Guest Editor for special issue "Biosensing systems for Point-of-care Diagnostics," in Sensors (MDPI, ISSN 1424-8220). 2018. 10. 29 - Two papers have been accepted for presentation at the 32th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 2019. 2018. 10. 1 - Dr. Choi is invited to give a talk at Princeton University (Plasma Physics Laboratory) - Jan. 16th, 2019. 2018. 9. 24 - Dr. Choi is invited to give a talk at the University of Rochester Medical Center (on Non-invasive Biosensors) - Dec. 20th, 2018. 2018. 9. 21 - Our work on "Paper Biobatteries" has been highlighted in THE CONVERSATION. 2018. 9. 5 - Three papers have been accepted for presentation at the 18th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Enegy Conversion Applidations (Dec 4-7, 2018). 2018. 8. 20 - Dr. Choi's presentation at the ACS Conferece was highlighted in many news agencies including Chemical & Engineering News, Sciencedaily, IEEE Spectrum, etc. 2018. 8. 9 - Our work on "Green Biobatteries" was highlighted in BU news and many news agencies including Sciencedaily, newswise, nanowork, Techxplore, ErekAlert etc.
2018. 8. 2 - Two papers have been accepted for presentation at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (Dec 2-5, 2018). 2018. 7. 17 - We made two research presentations at EMBC 2018 Conference in Honolulu, HI. 2018. 7. 1 - Dr. Choi is invited to give talks at 2019 MRS Spring (Apr. 22-26) in Arizona (Symposium EP05 - Engineering Functional Multicellular Circuits, Devices and Systems). 2018. 6. 12 - Dr. Choi has been awarded an 1-year single-PI fund from Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC) on paper-based printed circuit boards. 2018. 6. 6 - Our article, "Green Biobatteries: Hybrid Paper-Polymer Microbial Fuel Cells" has been accepted by Advanced Sustainable Systems. 2018. 6. 1 - Our article, "Merging Electric Bacteria with Paper" has been accepted by Advanced Materials Technologies. 2018. 6. 1 - We made two research presentations at Hilton Head 2018 Workshop. The BU nanofab. facility director, Shawn Wagoner, also attended the workshop. 2018. 5. 31 - Many news agencies highlighted our new research award from the Office of Naval Research for the micro-bio-photovoltaics project. The media outlets include EurekAlert, Phys.ORG, Scienmag, Newswise, and many others.
2018. 5. 4 - Dr. Choi, sole PI of a proposed grant by the Office of Naval Research, has been awarded $510,000. 2018. 4. 27 - Our paper on paper biobatteries was selected as one of the ten "Best Advanced Materials Technologies 2017" paper. 2018. 4. 27 - Congratulations to Yang and Maedeh for passing their Ph.D. comprehensive exams ! 2018. 4. 27 - Congrats Maedeh ! for the Department research award !! 2018. 4. 13 - Dr. Choi (PI), collaborating with Dr. Koh (Co-PI), received 2018-2019 Smart Energy TAE Seed Grant Award ($15,000). 2018. 4. 4 - Two papers have been accepted for presentation at 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Eningeering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC' 18) (July 17-21). 2018. 3. 16 - Our article, "On-demand Micro-power Generation from an Origami-inspired Paper Battery Stack" has been accepted by Batteries (MDPI). 2018. 2. 27 - Dr. Choi is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure. 2018. 2. 22 - Dr. Choi is invited to give talks at ACS Boston Symposium (Paper as a platform for analytical sensing) (Aug. 19-23). 2018. 2. 21 - Three papers have been accepted for presentation at Hilton Head 2018 Workshop. 2018. 1. 15 - Dr. Choi is invited to give talks at 2018 MRS Spring (Apr. 2-6) in Arizona. 2018. 1. 15 - Dr. Choi is invited to give talks at IEEE NANOMED 2018 (Dec. 2-5) in Hawaii. 2018. 1. 8 - Check out Fiber-2-Fashion Interview with Dr. Choi !!
2018. 1. 5 - Our textile-based biobatteries featured in Materials Today.